Monday, October 24, 2011

11 for 2011

Some times I have money in my pockets but now I have nothing in my pockets are empty now.The last think that I had to drink was some ice tea.every thing makes me happy in my life and I am so happy because I am healthy and I can do many things in my live.
I help to an old person that she could not walking well. I scare from snakes. The last movie that I saw is   Monte Carlo movie. the last song that I sang is baby song of Justin bieber (my favorite  singer ). The last thing that  I bought was my new mobile. I can not live without my computer. I have 2 things that I  hope for are
 1)I really hope so to see Justin bieber.
 2)I hope to have a nice wedding in the future.
I can live without my phone it is not very necessary.            


  1. Hi, Mona. This is Rachelle's comment about your post:

    Hey Mona, you wrote your post really well :). The answer that I most liked was to what was the last movie you saw? You answered Monte Carlo and I love that movie! A suggestion I have is that maybe you should check your spelling and grammer a bit more carefully while you write. From what you've written, I can tell that you are a HUGE fan of Justin Bieber. I liked how you helped an old person who couldn't walk! :).
